Thursday, October 24, 2013

Lift off!

Yesterday was my birthday, and you wanna know what the best present I got was?

I got confirmation from FedEx that the picks are on their way, and are scheduled to land next Wednesday!

The factory sent some more packaging shots of the new finish, and the new picks are all looking awesome!

I will post again when I get them and let you know how they look in person.

In my last official KS update, I promised stats this week, so here is a really simple chart (not 100% color accurate) of the number of picks in each color. 

Here is the current count.
EpicGrip Anodization color choice popularity

I'm a bit of a closet data nerd, so when I have some time I'll try to do a world map graphic showing where in the world all these picks are going... But for now, it looks like gold was the least popular, and surprisingly, raw Ti was the most popular... This will totally help me know how many of each to start anodizing... And since there are a LOT of picks that won't need anodizing, that means I can start shipping sooner!

More very soon, thanks for hanging in with me guys, y'all are the most awesome supporters ever!

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Unfinished Business

In my last Official Kickstarter Update last Saturday, I outlined that the picks were held up at the factory due to a lack of rounding.
Today I got the photos from my contact at the factory and the finish on the EpicGrips was indeed a show-stopper. You can see how the edge rounding is nowhere near the nice bevel on the samples. I am so glad this was caught before they shipped.

I'm not sure how they could fix this in just a week, but that is what I have been told so far.  I will make an official update on Saturday, with whatever I learn between now and then.

Meanwhile, I just want to thank everyone for the unanimously positive feedback. Your continued support really keeps me full of the energy I need to tackle this thing with full force. You guys are the best!
